You Can Have a Thriving Practice

Improve Your Business Intelligence

Don't risk the time, effort, and money you've invested in medical school and residency. You can have the practice you desire. Even though they didn't teach you how to run a business, you can own a thriving medical practice.
Contact Me Today

As a dedicated physician, I have been sculpted by the relentless and sometimes harsh chisel of experience. I have wrestled with the complexities of operating a successful medical practice, and I know I'm not alone. Many of my comrades in medicine are battling the same dragons I've faced and continue to duel daily.

In our fast-paced world, the landscape beneath our feet is in perpetual flux, always morphing and changing, requiring us to constantly adapt and grow. We are expected to deliver the very epitome of care and keep our practices "in the black," navigating the treacherous waters of financial management. These skills are glaringly absent from our medical training, an ominous void that hinders us.

In the face of these challenges, I have found my true mission, my purpose - to serve as a beacon in the murky waters. I strive to bridge the knowledge gap that plagues many of us. I've poured my heart and soul into two seminal works, The Financially Intelligent Physician and Great Care, Every Patient. These are not merely books, but lifelines thrown into the tumultuous sea of healthcare, offering fellow professionals the tools to create the practice they've envisioned.

I am not just an author. I am an advocate, and a mentor, standing on stages both grand and humble at national, regional, and local conferences. I echo the lessons inexplicably absent from our education - lessons that are essential and absolutely critical in the rapidly evolving medical landscape.

I firmly believe that the roadmap to success lies in the intricate nuances that were overlooked in our training. Understanding financial intelligence, wielding the power of leadership, negotiating robust contracts, and designing a practice that leaves patients satisfied and truly delighted are essential elements of a flourishing practice.

My unwavering commitment pledge is to help you find these missing pieces. To illuminate the path, fill in the gaps that were left empty in our training. Let's reclaim our profession and redefine success on our own terms. Let us not just survive but truly thrive in the world of healthcare. Your journey begins here. Will you take the first step with me?

A New Series of Books to Help You

Grand Rounds for Your Practice

Unlock the secrets to mastering the business side of healthcare with this essential set of books tailored for medical professionals seeking to elevate their practice management skills and financial acumen.

Join the Association for Independent Medicine Today

I have the privilege of serving as the treasurer of this fine organization. We believe that maintaining physician control of healthcare decision-making results in the highest quality of care for patients and most efficient use of healthcare resources.

Formed in 2022, the Association for Independent Medicine was created to bring independent, physician-owned groups together with the goal of remaining independent and pushing back against private equity-owned takeovers. Reach out to myself or visit their website to learn more. If we all work together, we can keep physicians independent.

Learn more about AIM

What challenges are you facing?


Don't know where your money is going. You wish you had a better understanding of your financial reports.


Your practice is inefficient. You wish things would run smoothly in your office.


Feeling pushed around by payers and weak in any negotiation.

Improve Your Negotiations

Do you ever find yourself in a difficult negotiation?

Do you wish you had someone who could help you obtain what you want?

Complete the form below to sign up for my introductory webinar on negotiations. Learn what you’re missing today, and together we can fix the negotiation struggles you’re facing.

Enroll in a free webinar

Grab Your Copies Today

Learn more about my books, The Financially Intelligent Physician: What They Didn't Teach You and Great Care, Every Patient. They are the resources you need to have the practice you desire.

It's Not Your Fault

Now is the time to act

  • How do you feel when you are handed the financial reports of your practice?

  • Are you intimidated when you are faced with the financial decisions of your practice?

  • What thoughts and emotions race through your head when you attempt to fix a process in your office?

  • Do you understand how to utilize productivity reports?

  • How do you prepare for a negotiation?

  • Are you seeing the results you desire in your negotiation efforts?


Don't risk the time, energy money and emotion you and your loved ones have invested in your medical school and residency. I promise you, it's possible to have the practice you desire. Even though medical school and residency didn't prepare you to run a business, you can still learn how to own a thriving medical practice. 

Free on-Demand Webinars

These one-hour webinars will help you with your financial intelligence, negotiations, leadership, and much more.

What I Offer

Financial Intelligence

Learn how to use the financial reports of your practice. Make better business decisions.


We negotiate almost everything in life. You will become an effective negotiation.

Process Improvement

Process improvement doesn’t have to be complicated. You will quickly and efficiently improve any process or system in your organization.


Get the help you need to grow your practice. Together, we can help you achieve your objectives today.

"We were very fortunate to have Dr. David Norris speak to our Midlands Chapter of the South Carolina Medical Group Management Association. Dr. Norris spoke on Emotional Intelligence in the workplace which was very relevant and useful for our membership. His experience, knowledge, and ability to communicate in an informative manner resulted in an excellent presentation. He serves as an esteemed resource for healthcare leaders attempting to improve their leadership and management abilities. Dr. Norris and his team were easy to communicate with when setting up our virtual program and no issues occurred. I would recommend Dr. Norris as a speaker for any healthcare leadership group meeting or program. Thank you David!"

MGMA Chapter President

"Dr. Norris's session on negotiations was outstanding. His style was warm and entertaining. The information he provided was actionable and practical. We will welcome him back anytime."

Meeting Planner

"David's session on financial intelligence was excellent. His style is succinct and makes new concepts easy to understand. Many of the members who attended his session have said it was one of the best they had ever heard on the topic of financial intelligence for physicians. I highly recommend that every physician hear one of his sessions on financial intelligence."

Session Organizer, Orthopedic Surgeon

"The Missouri Academy of Family Physicians had the pleasure of hosting Dr. David Norris for a virtual CME session on Leadership for Physicians ā€“ Build High-Performing Teams with Emotional Intelligence. His presentation was extremely engaging (even in a virtual world!) and our members found the information to be relevant and useful in their practices. We would recommend Dr. Norris for any speaking engagement without hesitation."

Assistant Executive Director - MAFP

"Dr. David Norris spoke at the annual meeting of the Central District Society of the Kansas Dental Association.Ā  I do highly recommend Dr. Norris to speak at any conference you may have. Dr. Norris has the ability to address audiences of various levels of education and experience and get his message across in ways that everyone understands.Ā  The information Dr. Norris shares is very valuable to any business owner whether it ranging from a medical or dental or even a veterinarian practice to a business selling products of any kind.Ā  Dr. Norris shares tools that can help any business make solid decisions that can save time and money."

Susan Evans, DDS
Meeting Planner, Dentist

Improve Your Business Intelligence

Enroll in one of my courses to improve your business intelligence and create the practice you desire.

Sign up for my newsletter to receive valuable and practical business knowledge and tips!


"Dr. Norris has been game-changing in my life. As a physician-in-training, there is always a level of uncertainty regarding; what I am going to do after I finish my residency or fellowship? Personally, this was happening to me a few months ago. I was not sure what was the best path for me; joining a private oncology practice, stay in the academics or just affiliate to a big hospital. But recently I started the Financial Intelligent Physician course and my objectives changed completely. After learning the principles and fundaments of finances and accounting, methods to protect a medical practice from fraud I decided to open my own private oncology practice and at this very moment, I am working on that. I am building a team focused on the 4Ps principle. I am confident that with the principles I am learning with Dr. Norris and his accessibility to reach him will guide me through this endeavor. Thank you, D.r Norris, for being my mentor. "

Luis A Figueroa, MD
Hematology-Oncology Fellow

My Interview on the DocBuddy Journal with Erik Suneet

ErikĀ works to help physicians improve their efficiency and reduce burnout through smart IT implementation. Ā 

You may listen to the interview here.

My Interview on MGMA's podcast

I was on the MGMA's podcast.

During the interview, I discuss financial issues physicians face in their professional and the importance of financial intelligence.

You may listen to the interview here.

My Interview on Scott Becker's Hospital Review

Listen to my discussion with Scott Becker as we discuss issues facing physicians today and why they need a deep understanding of business.

You may listen to the interview here.

My Interview on Dr. Ansari-Winn's Show

I was on Dr. Dianne Ansari-Winn's podcast, The Doctor's Life.

Together, we discuss financial issues physicians face in the professional and personal lives. During the interview, I provide a few tips and ideas on how physicians can get control of the practices and become financially intelligent.

You may listen to the interview here.

My Interview on Dr. Buck Joffrey's Show

I was on Dr. Buck Joffrey's podcast, Wealth Formula.

Together, we discuss financial issues physicians face in their professional and personal lives. We discuss the importance of being financially intelligent in your professional life as well as in your investing life.

You may listen to the interview here.

My Interview on the VITAL Physician Executive with John Jurica, MD, MPH, CPE

Dr. Jurica works to inspire, inform and support physicians who wish to pivot to a nonclinical career. In this interview, he and I discuss my journey from clinical to business consultant.  

You may listen to the interview here.

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Complete this form to tell me about your needs and situation. You can also email me directly.

support @ davidnorrismdmba (dot) com


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